This. Is. Us.

This. Is. Us.

Happenings Lately!!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I find myself, lately, stepping very lightly, trying not to break the glass.  I find myself staying calm, trying not to rock the boat.  I find myself looking down, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I hesitate even acknowledging this, much less putting it out there for hundreds to see....but lately, things have been going AMAZINGLY.  I worry that as soon as I acknowledge the great things in my life, something negative must happen to balance it out.  I KNOW this is not the way God works.  In Romans 8:28 (a verse I have held onto dearly during this journey) it says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."   So today, I am pushing aside FEAR, and I pushing away SATAN, and I am publicly celebrating {and praising GOD} of all the amazing things that have been happening around here lately! 

March Madness!!!

Some of you may remember me telling you in my last post about a friend who created a March Madness bracket, which part of the entry fees would be donated to help with our adoption costs.  We ended up having 48 teams join our bracket at a chance to win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prizes - and help us get a step closer to bringing our baby home!!! How AMAZING is that?!?! :) Anyways, my family is definitely into sports, but college basketball hasn't been something we've ever gotten into.  The bracket challenge made it SO MUCH FUN to watch the tournament.  (Being as competitive as most of my friends are may have helped too! HA)  Thank you Adam and Amanda for thinking up a fun way to celebrate, and help, us along this journey.

Here were our standings.....

Whomp, whomp, whomp.

But, those people in 1st AND 3rd....

 are my MOM AND DAD!!!

They told me early on that if they won, they would donate the winnings towards the adoption, which was so very sweet, but something I chuckled at the thought of.  Not only to get 48 people to sign up, but to ALSO have my biggest supporters win 1st AND 3rd place was totally something in God's hands! (insert praise Jesus emoji)

  A sweet friend the other day said "See, God even cares about the smallest of details, like March Madness brackets!" and I couldn't agree more!!!

2 Home Studies and Fingerprints all in 2 weeks!!!!!

Last week we began the home study process.  To begin our homestudy, Eric and I had to go in separately to do individual interviews.  We were both able to get scheduled just a few days after we were cleared through financials, AND both were scheduled for the same day.  (Same day equals less waiting time, which equals a BIG WIN in my book!)  The interviews were very relaxed and comfortable >>>if anyone were to ever ask me at this point for any advice, it would be to choose an agency who you really feel comfortable with<<<.  Most of the questions asked in this first interview were about our upbringing and childhoods.  Questions like; describe yourself, what were your favorite memories as a child, how did your parents discipline you, describe your family dynamics, what do you like most/struggle with most in your marriage, made me even more thankful than I am about the life that God gave me.

Our second interview for the home study was yesterday! (Moving Fast = a WIN!)  For this part of the home study, our social worker met us at the house for a joint interview and a "walk through" of our home.  We worked tirelessly all weekend to make sure everything was perfect (which it didn't need to be, of course).  When our social worker arrived, we quickly showed her the house and then sat at the kitchen table (with some yummy coffee) to chat. This time the questions were focused on Eric and I and our marriage.  We, again, felt completely comfortable during our interview.  We even joked and bantered back and forth about a few of the questions >>> "who does the chores" "who is in charge of the finances" and "how can you tell when the other is stressed" are some questions that yielded lots of laughs.  I truly feel that God put a total sense of peace over me during this part of the process.  I would typically be one to {worry} and try to convey this perfect life, but I was open, honest, and myself, and I felt completely okay with that! :)

After our joint interviews, our social worker sent us the link to register for our fingerprints.  ***This is one of those things I have DREADED and had NIGHTMARES over!***  I think this has been a stress because I have heard so many times about how the fingerprints and government (bless) have held up the process.  I was so anxious to get this part taken care of so that we could hurry and WAIT.  What apparently I didn't know is that Texas ROCKS and the scheduling and turn around for the fingerprints here are pretty quick.  We were able to schedule our fingerprints for this weekend and they said they should have the results to the agency within a week or so.  (wooohooo!)

Our next...AND LAST...homestudy will be this Monday!

Things are moving FAST!

Praise. The. Lord.

Tshirt Sales!!!

Our T-shirt fundraiser closed on Monday, and was a HUGE success!  This would not have happened without our amazing friends and family who bought shirts, BLASTED social media, and shared our fundraiser.  Those who know me well, know that I am a pretty private person.  I am the type that not until I am asked (or really demanded) will accept help from others.  God has humbled my heart, and allowed me to be okay with letting others help.  We would have been some of the last people to actually ask for help (especially financially) unless God made a change in us.  I am so thankful that he did, because we would never have gotten to experience the overwhelming sense of LOVE and SUPPORT that we have felt throughout all of these fundraisers.

We sold 267 shirts! Our goal was passed! Our profits were bigger than we imagined! 
Our hearts are so full they could burst! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Coming Up, An Adoption Auction!

If you get tired of hearing me brag on my AMAZING family and friends, you may want to skip this part (or really all of my blog posts for that matter ;))  Some of my closest girlfriends are throwing a online auction in our honor.  They have been working hard to get some fabulous items donated to auction off!  Not only have they been so amazing by taking their time to do this outside of their jobs and their own families, but the people they have reached out to have been so receptive and excited to help! If you know any small business owners, or you yourself are one and would like to donate to our adoption auction, please check out the link below!

Online Adoption Auction

Mark your calendars for April 29th >>>There will be some GREAT ITEMS that you will not want to miss out on!<<<

Prayer Requests

We love the continued prayers! Specifically right now we would love for you to pray that the process continues to move smoothly.  Please pray for my heart to be full of joy and not to let fear creep in.  I am also feeling nervous that our big "wait" time will be during summer.  I am scared of the days where I am not being questioned 37194 times and I have too much time to "wait".  Pray that I find joy in the summertime, enjoying the things that I won't be able to when we have a baby! (hehe)  While we have had tons of success through our fundraisers, that very LARGE numbers still weighs on us. "How in the world are we going to get to $30,000" circles our thoughts.  Pray that God provides and that finances are not something that consumes our thoughts.  Lastly, please please please begin to pray for our birth mom and our dear baby.  Whoever our birthmom turns out to be has a challenging road she is walking (or about to walk).  Pray for comfort, support, and peace for her as well as good health for our future little babe.  :)

Until next time....Xoxo